题目: 形式化验证在IC设计中的应用
主讲人: 刘莉亚 博士 超威半导体高级工程师
时间地点:7月2日周一 上午10:00 院楼106会议室
个人简介: 刘莉亚博士是超威半导体公司多伦多分部的高级工程师,也是PCIe设计团队形式化验证领域的领头人。她的主要研究兴趣包括形式化验证、机器学习、马可夫模型、超大规模集成电路设计验证自动化、微处理器和片上系统的验证等。她曾经发表过多篇国际会议论文和学术期刊论文,是形式化验证核心会议Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design Conference(FMCAD 2011)、Third NASA Formal Methods Symposium(NFM 2012)和Journal of Computer Science and Technology(JCST 2012)等的审稿人之一。她于2013年在加拿大魁北克省蒙特利尔获得Concordia University电子工程学科博士学位。
Title: Formal Verification Applied in IC Design Process
Bio: Dr. Liya Liu is a senior engineer, the leader who employs formal verification on PCIe IP design team in Advanced Micro Device (AMD), Markham, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Her current research interests are formal verification, machine learning, Markov model, VLSI design verification automation, microprocessor and system-on-chip (SOC) verification. She published various conference and Journal papers and was invited to be the external reviewer of several conferences in formal verification domain, such as, Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design Conference(FMCAD 2011), Third NASA Formal Methods Symposium(NFM 2012), Journal of Computer Science and Technology(JCST
2012). She received her Ph.D. in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada in 2013.
Nowadays, the increasing size of ASIC has brought about diverse challenges in verifying that the implementation matches with the requirements of products. Traditionally, simulation and emulation are the most commonly used computer-based analysis techniques. However, due to the fact that the complicated ICs have incredible input combinations, simulation and emulation can hardly provide exhaustive scenarios to prove the correctness of product properties. Hence, simulation poses serious threat in ICs applied in safety critical systems. On the other hand, the unbounded running time introduced by complex scenarios and big size of products becomes generally unacceptable comparing to the increasingly shorter time-to-market and high productivity increase requirements. Formal verification is such a methodology that proves the correctness of product implementation compared with its specification using mathematical reasoning. Thus, it is capable to exhaust all corner cases to capture bugs on a reasonable level, as a complementary of simulation and emulation technologies. Modern formal tools provided by various EDA companies facilitate auto-generated properties to formally check product features and supply unreachability analysis for evaluating the quality of ICs. Moreover, these tools offer formal test bench analysis to avoid bug(s) hidden in test environment. Utilizing these rich EDA resources and employing formal verification in IC design process as a complement to simulation, it is feasible to provide high productivity in a shorter period. In this talk, Dr. Liu introduces the concept of formal methods at beginning, then, presents formal tools and their applications in IC design process. The results indicate the benefits of this methodology. Based on this background, Dr. Liu also presents various potential application areas in modern industry as well as the challenges on the road of exploiting formal verification.