专 家:Liu Xinzhi教授
题 目:Modeling and Congestion Control of the Internet
时 间:2013年6月30日15:00-16:30
地 点:研究生基地第一会议室
主 办:湖南大学 嵌入式与网络计算湖南省重点实验室
The proliferation and universal adoption of the Internet have escalated it as the key information transport platform. As a decentralized system, network stability and integrity depend on the end-to-end congestion control algorithm, which is deployed in the dominant transport layer protocol, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). A TCP sender interprets packet losses as congestion indicators and throttles the traffic load once a packet loss is sensed, aiming to avoid network congestion collapse, according to an Additive Increase and Multiplicative Decrease (AIMD) congestion control mechanism. This talk considers a class of generalized AIMD model for the Internet. Sufficient conditions for asymptotic stability by using Lyapunov functions and Razumikhin technique are established for both the homogeneous-flows system and the heterogeneous-flows system. The TCP-friendly condition and average queuing delay are also derived.
Liu Xinzhi教授简介:
刘新芝教授现任加拿大滑铁卢大学应用数学系教授。刘教授的研究方向包括:混合动力系统、复杂系统的建模、控制及稳定性分析、网络同步、故障诊断、保密通讯等。已在国际上发表 学术论文300 余篇,学术专著2部,学术编著20 部。刘教授现任三个国际期刊杂志的主编并兼任多个国际期刊杂志的编委。刘教授先后十三次组织主持召开国际学术会议,并担任大会总主席。刘教授多次应邀在重大国际学术会议上作一个小时的专题报告,并到许多国际知名大学进行学术演讲。