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1、Electromobility research in Singapore BY Prof. Douglas L. Maskell (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

2、A Routing Architecture for FPGAs with Dual-VT Switch Boxes and Logic Clusters BY Prof. Ha Yajun (National University of Singapore)



时间:6月5日上午 9:30 -11:30  内容:集群架构的FPGA

            下午 2:30 - 4:30  内容:新加坡电动汽车的研究发展

Short Bio of Prof. Ha Yajun

Dr. Yajun Ha received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Zhejiang University, China, in 1996, the M.Eng. degree in Electrical Engineering from National University of Singapore, in 1999, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from KatholiekeUniversiteit Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium in February 2004.

From 1996 to 1997, he was a Research Engineer in the Shanghai Aerospace Bureau, Shanghai, China. From January 1999 to February 2004, he worked as a researcher at the Inter-UniversityMicroElectronicsCenter (IMEC) in Leuven, Belgium. Since February 2004, he has been with the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering at National University of Singapore, where he is currently an Assistant Professor.

His research interests are in the general area of embedded computing (VLSI) architecture and design methodologies, with the focus on reconfigurable computing. He has published around 60 internationally peer-reviewed journal/conference papers on these topics.

He has served a number of positions in the professional communities. He serves as the Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems II (2011-2013) and the Journal of Low Power Electronics (Since 2009). He serves as the General Co-Chair of ASP-DAC 2014; Program Co-Chair for FPT 2010; Chair of the Singapore Chapter of the IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society (2011 and 2012); Member of ASP-DAC Steering Committee; Member of IEEE CAS VLSI and Applications Technical Committee. He is the Program Committee Member for a number of well-known conferences in the fields of embedded systems and FPGAs, such as DATE, ASP-DAC, FPL, FPT, RAW, ARC and ERSA. He served as an external proposal reviewer for the Netherlands Science Foundation (2007) and the Qatar National Research Fund (2009, 2012). He was an Expert Group Member of Chinese National Electronic Design Contest (NUEDC) - Embedded System Design Invitational Contest (2006, 2008 and 2010). He is currently a Senior Member of IEEE.

Short Bio of Prof. Douglas L. Maskell

My main research focus is in the area of embedded systems. I examine research problems that aim to overcome the emerging challenges posed by hybrid computing systems, particularly those introduced by the trend to incorporate reconfigurable fabrics into embedded and performance computers so as to significantly improve the overall performance of the computing system. This effort involves the development of tools, algorithms & architectures and system level modelling, simulation & design to improve the performance & management of the computing resources. I am a member of the Centre for High Performance Embedded Systems (CHiPES) at NTU, where I head the Reconfigurable Computing group.

I also conduct research into the deployment of embedded systems technology to various applications, including: efficient digital filters and fuzzy-neuro controllers. Architectures with low complexity, for embedded applications, such as the use of fuzzy-neuro controllers for the regulation of insulin in the treatment of diabetes, are being developed (with KK Hospital). I have a passion for the environment and for using renewable energy and have applied my modelling and simulation expertise to projects in this exciting field. These have included solar energy systems a major EV related initiative: the NRF TUM-CREATE Electromobility in Megacities project.



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