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法国里昂中央理工大学​Chen Liming教授讲座

专 家:Chen Liming教授
题 目:Recognition of Semantic Objects: a New Frontier of Computer Vision
时 间:2013年5月2日15:00-16:30
地 点:研究生基地第一会议室
主 办:湖南大学 嵌入式与网络计算湖南省重点实验室


  Computer vision aims at endowing computers with human vision capabilities. Thanks to new data (e.g., depth) now made widely available and techniques of statistical learning, the last years have witnessed significant progress in the field of computer vision. In this talk, we illustrate two aspects of these progress through our own work, namely 3D face recognition and visual object recognition where my team achieved the best performance in the recent open international challenges.

Chen Liming教授简介:

  Prof. Liming Chen was awarded a joint BSc degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Nantes in 1984. He obtained a Master degree in 1986 and a PhD in computer science from the University of Paris 6 in 1989. He first served as associate professor at the Université de Technologie de Compiègne, then joined Ecole Centrale de Lyon as Professor in 1998, where he leads an advanced research team on multimedia computing and pattern recognition. Prof. Liming Chen has taken out 3 patents, authored more than 100 publications and acted as chairman, PC member and reviewer in a number of high profile journal and conferences since 1995. He has been a (co)-principal investigator on a number of research grants from EU FP programme, French research funding bodies and local government departments. He has directed more than 15 PhD theses. His current research spans from 2D/3D face analysis and recognition, image and video analysis and categorization, to affect analysis both in image, audio and video. His website is as follow: http://perso.ec-lyon.fr/liming.chen/.


上一条:美国田纳西大学Cao Yu博士学术报告 下一条:浙江大学CAD&CG国家重点实验室彭群生教授座谈会


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