1. 李仁发等著,"计算机网络安全",科学出版社,2004年11月 ISBN7-03-014059-1 (46万字)
2. 李仁发等译,“VHDL数字系统设计”,电子工业出版社,2004年8月 ISBN7-5053-9949-7(49.8万字)
1. Li Kenli,Li Renfa.Optimal parallel algorithm for the knapsack proble without memory conflicts.J.Comput.Sci.&Technol,2004.12,19(6):760-768(SCI EI收录)
2. Liao Bo. Analysis of similarity of DNA sequences based on 3D graphical representation,Chemical physics letters, (SCI) 2004 (388):195-200
3. Zhou Yilin,Li Renfa, Li Kenli. Design and research of a GIOP tunneling protocol framework for terminal and access bridge based on wireless CORBA. Journal of Information and Computation Science, 2004.12,1(3):465-470 (EI收录)
4. Ren Xiaoxi, Li Renfa. System-level SoC design methodology based on multi-languages. Journal of Information and Computation Science, 2004.12,1(3):251-254 (EI收录)
1. 李仁发,莫铁强,粟丹. 一种保证各流量共享瓶颈带宽的队列管理机制.计算机研究与发展, 2004年1月,41(1):92-97 (EI收录)
2. 李肯立.背包问题的一种自适应算法.计算机研究与发展, 2004,12(7):1024-1029 (EI收录)
3. 曾凡仔.DRC-ACM 一种精确的基于解析中心的分类器.计算机研究与发展,2004,41(5) :802-807 (EI收录)
4. 陈佐,李仁发,徐成,凌纯清. RED队列稳态误差分析. 计算机研究与发展, 2004年11月,41(11):1874-1878 (EI收录)
5. 李仁发,李红,喻飞,徐成.入侵检测系统中负载均衡研究与仿真.系统仿真学报, 2004年7月,16(7):1444-1449
6. 郭媛妮,李仁发,黄丹,欧阳辉,任小西.基于PtolemyⅡ嵌入式防火墙系统级设计与仿真研究.系统仿真学报,2004年6月,16(6):1361-1363
7. 凌纯清,徐成,李仁发,张丽.基于Ptolemy的嵌入式计算系统级建模与仿真.系统仿真学报, 2004年5月,16(5):1102-1104 (EI收录)
1. Yan Xia,Ren-Fa Li; Ken-Li Li.Intrusion detection using mobile agent in ad-hoc networks.In:Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, IEEE Cat,2004,6,3383-8(EI收录)
2. Zeng Fan-zi, Qiu Zheng-ding.An improved analytical center machine for classification.Lectures Notes in Computer Science,Part I,Springer,2004,876-882 (SCI EI收录)
3. Ren Xiaoxi,Li Renfa.A System-Level SOC Design Methodology Based On Mucthanages. In:The Proceeding of International symposium on Computing and Information,ISCQI 2004,2,612-616
4. Yan He,Ken-Li Li,Xiao-Ling Liu,Ying Wang. A Parallel Algorithm for Solving the Knapsack Problem on the Cluster. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC2004), IEEE press